| Sector | abcRailways Transport Services | Tender Value | N.A. | Location | Tamil Nadu - India | Ref.No | 77894019 | Closing Date | 06 - Dec - 2024 | | | Supply of machine room blower with motor (wound with corona resistance wire) machine room blower with motor (wound with corona resistance wire) as per clw spec no-clw/es/3/0020 alt-h, clw/es/3/0454 alt-a and rdso spec/e-10/3/09 (motor) with amenments nos. 01,02,03,04,05 & 06, rdso 2008 el str 0048 (rev-0), clw 2021 eldo str 0112 (rev-0). (note approved sources of respective motors can also quote for complete blower assembly along with motor, in that case respective blower is to be procured from clw's approved sources) [ warranty period 30 months after the date of delivery ] ] |
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